Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last reading assignment

 55 thru 71: Bob Dotson explains to us that being a good reporter isn’t from the person it’s from the interviewer. They make the story better and more interesting to watch. So that’s why it’s the reporter’s job to make the story very exciting and not boring to watch. For instance if your reporting someone about something “drama” wise that happened you’d probably want to start the story off  by something blowing up or the something big your drama wise your reporting on something active then explain what there watching. Because pictures are very big things.

What is the name of the story, and on what date did it first air?
 Boyd Huppert’s Land of 10,000 Stories , May 20, 2013

List and describe four instances of natural sound.
  1. Noice of moving the toy cars
  2. The noice of a hilcoptoer
  3. The comercal of the tunk toy
  4.  The beg of the toy coming out the box

 List and describe (including the type and what they are showing) four camera shots that you find interesting.
  1. Shot of the red tory truck (low tight shot)
  2. High shot of mound MN
  3. Zoomed in and out very fast
  4. The side high shot of the man
Write a possible focus statement for the story (strong verbs; no “-ing” words)
 How does this story utilize Dotson’s “Building Blocks” (from Page 68)? Discuss a few of them, please.

Having a tight,middle,wide shot and yeah J

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mudhouse Stand-Up (Megan's Stand- Up)

Everybody knows to come downtown to the mudhouse for a great cup of coffee, but nobody wants coffee when its a 105 degress. For coffee shops like the mudhouse there is one way to beat the heat and that's the offer refreshing cold drinks. Another great thing about the mudhouse is once you get your drink and sit down there's alot of great art work.

Mudhouse Soundbites

Girl: You know during the summer months ah we ice most of our drinks, alot of our costomers still need there caffeine fixed so you know if they usaully get a latte they'll come in a get a ice latte instead.
Girl: You get a drink from....
Guy: Umm I think we come.. I probably come in here two to three times a week, usaully maybe.. Maybe less but max about three times a week.
Guy: I would pretty tipiclly, I like a nice hot cup of coffee but uhh in the wint... In thee summer it's really nice to just come in and get a cool drink.
Girl: Ok.
Guy: Uhh well I have got thee ice bud puddle right here one of there classices it's got uhh vanille and uhh let's see and moca a little bit of chocolate mixed in there and uhh mix it all up with ice and it's a good, good drink. A little wipe cream and uhh tops it right off.
Lady: Areee uhh. We read alot of medical books and uh erb and they said drinking coffee can actually cool you down then drinkning cold soda's and stuff. It just takes yea it does something to you, it reduces the heat of your body and it seems to do okay

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Friday's Assignment

Story title: The art of violin bow making
Total Run Time: 2:28

  1. Man tying a string as a belt (Tight Shot)
  2. Folding his shirt up (Tight Shot)
  3. Scraping the wood (Tight Shot)
  4. Interviewing him (Tight Shot)
  5. Checking out his woord (Middle Shot
  6. Sharping his wood again (Low Tight Shot)
  7. The wood (Angle Tight Shot)
  8. Putting the string on the wood (Tight Shot)
  9. Movment of the bow (Tight Shot)
  10. Finger playing with the string (Tight Shot)
  11. Light (Tight Shot)
  12. Work area (Middle Shot)
  13. Bows (Middle Shot)
  14. Crved wood (Middle Shot)
  15. Stacks of wood (Tight Shot)
  16. His face (Tight Shot)
  17. Finished bow (Angle Tight Shot)
  18. Lighting up a candle (Tight Shot)
  19. Him working (Middle Shot)
  20. Looking at finished work (Middle Shot)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MudHouse B-Roll

  1. Man sitting down on his laptop (Wide Shot)
  3. Man sitting down on his laptop (Middle Shot)
  4. Menu (Middle Shot)
  5. Menu (Tight Shot)
  6. Mudhouse coffee beans (Tight Shot)
  7. Fan (Wide Shot)
  8. Tracking shot Lady holding all the creamers (Tight Shot, Middle Shot, Wide Angle Shot)
  9. Cashier (Wide Shot)
  10. "Pick Up Drinks Here" Sign (Tight Shot)
  11.  Lady putting coffee in her cup (Tight Shot, Middle Shot)
  12. "Lift My Lid" Sign (Tight Shot)
  13. Tolit frame (Middle Shot)
  14. Inside the frame (Tight Shot
  15. Another shot of a menu (Middle Shot, Tight Shot)
  16. Coffee grinder (Tight Shot)
  17. "End Of Program Ready" (Tight Shot)
  18. "Ready" (Tight Shot)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reading Response 2

Doing the right thing: Two parents buy a raffle ticket and leave it out on the table when 11 year old Nate Smith picks it up and wins $50,000. But he later gives it up and pretty much does something no one really would have done.

End of a 12-son football dynasty for Minn. family: Two parents have been watching there 12 boys play football. 18 year old high school Senior was there youngesty and last son for them to watch play. The mother was tearing up and very sad to watch her last high school football game of her sons. Oldest is 24 and youngest is 18.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

1. What is the lead in this story? Does it intrigue you to keep watching?
     A break in has been happening in this quite nice neighborhood
2. What are the 5W's of this story: Who, What, Where, When, Why
     Who: Noone knows
     What: A break-in
     Where: Denver
     Why: To steal
3. Give an example of the reporters Voice over or seque (Write it down word for word)
    He's very calm and chill and he is standing up but not moving to much.

4. When do we see the reporter's stand-up? Beginning, Middle, or End?
5. What is the purpose of this reporter's stand-up?
To tell a story and reporting it live on the scene

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reading 1-41

What do you notice about the way he writes? Use specific examples, please. (75 words)    
I’ve noticed he kind of jumps story to story when he writes but he’s unique at it, he actually makes scene and knows how to use it right. When most people jump story to story it just gets listeners to zone out or not listen. Not only is he teaching us how to be a better video person or speaker but he’s also telling us how it’s important to never gave up and always give it your all and always try.

What did you learn from reading pages 9 to 27? (75 words)
I've learned that being very clear about storys and telling the full story catches
the viewers eyes and makes them want to hear the full story. Also everytime they tell you a story
always try and relate to there story like "Oh yeah I know what you mean". Always remember the 3 review.
. The Rule of Threes
. Filling the Silence
. The Non-Question/Question

If it gets hard to get a starting point always start with a Non-Question/Question

   With the scripts: What do suppose is described in each column? Why would it be split like that? What else is interesting about the scripts? (50 words)
It is a split point to every story Bob Dotson is telling. He first starts with writing little notes for himself then he starts a little rough draft then starts his actually paper to do his interview story. He puts notes down on what he also needed to do better or what he should have brought with him to make the interview better. Also how many tapes he used and batteries he used and count them and keep track. 

On Page 34 (and to the end of the section), Dotson writes about a long-form feature. Find one of these (a story at least 4 minutes long) on a TV news magazine such as Rock Center, 20/20 or 60 Minutes. Then, give and explain examples of how the storyteller uses the five bulleted traits Dotson gives on Page 34. (200 words)
 . Scene setting
    Get the person your interviewing ready by doing the lighting and fixing the camara and also 
     checking if the tape is working and if its clear and and won't fell up to easily and check if the microphone is working and help the person put it on if they need it (Always ask if they need help). 
there are four-shot sequence 
1. Wide shot
2. Tight Shot
3. Over-the-shoulder shot
4. Low-angle shot
. Foreshadowing
  Giving a hint on what's to come

. Conflict
  Essence the storytelling witch will bring more conflict

. Character growth
  Have your guest feel conftoable around you and let he/she grow there specking level with you
 be slow and pacantit.
. Resolution 
  Its the closing of the story that started from the start to the end.
Changing Identity

1. Identify and explain as many WALLDO shots as you can.

2. What is Natural Sound?
     No tune up, no change up just the same sound you hear you

3. Identify several examples of Natural Sound in this story?
    1. Paino playing
    2. The backround noice you hear when she is interviewed
    3. The scoop of jelly

4. How does Natural Sound enhance the story?
    It brings out the real story and actually feel what there saying.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Wide: Shotting a shot far away.
Angle: A shot that is shot on a side point of view
Low: Filming a shot from really low as the object/person is belew the camara.
Linking: A shot that is on one object/person and it self movwa to diffrent shots.
Depth: It gives it a 3D look
Oposite: Action and get the reaction

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Land of 10,000 stories

     Land of 10,000 stories
1.  What is the focus statement of this story?
      A man who does what he loves.

2.  Give examples of W-M-T sequences

3.  Give examples of The Rule of Thirds
      The rule of thirds is a rule of thumb or guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as paintings, photographs and designs.
4.  Give examples of Eyes on Third
     The inner eye
5.  Give examples of Talking Space
      Giviung enough space

6.  What did you like about story?
      That a Minnesotan got a story made on him

Monday, April 22, 2013

Interview of Scotty Pugmire paper

Interview of Scotty Pugmire

            16 year old Scotty Pugmire is a sophomore at Eastview high school. He is also the oldest out of 2 brothers and 2 twin sisters.  Scotty is involved in high school athletic sports; plays lax and football and is on the ski team and he also wishes to play lax after high school in post secondary.

            A day in most teen’s life is pretty much having fun and not worrying about much but school. Well I asked 16 year old Scotty what a day in his life is like and he responds, wake up at 5 then go to church every day for an hour and then come to school. Most teens in America are wanting to sleep in and aren’t very much a morning person. Scotty on the other hand is very different and unique.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1. What is a Focus Statement? Define
     A topic that is short and sweet
2. Why do we need a Focus Statement?
     To know what topic to stay on

3. Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence.
     My friends and I always go out on our free time
4. Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object)
     Friends night out

5. What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview?

6. Why is a tripod important?

7. The Tripod is my _Friends__________

8. Define: Pan Horz

9. Define: Tilt

10. Why are headphones important?

       Becasue you never want to go do a re shoot, and you also you can't hear anything.

12. Define Wide shot:
            Show setting & surroundings estanlish location

13. Why do we need a wide shot?

14. Define Medium shot:
      Less setting, more detail focus on specific area

15. Why do we need a medium shot?

16. Define a tight shot.
      aka: Close up lots of detail
17. Why do we need a tight shot?

18. What is a sequence?

19. Why do we need a sequence?

Monday, April 15, 2013

1. Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.

Criteria 1:Unusualness
Definition:Not usual, common, or ordinary.
Example: If an airplane departs on time, it isn't news. If it crashes, regrettably, it is.

Criteria 2: Significance
Definition: Having a meaning
Example:Important events, ones that affect many poeple, are nws Taxes, elections,wars scientific discoveries, the economy theses are significant people's lives.

Criteria 3: Timeliness
Definition:Hearing about events as it happens
Example:People want to hear about the flood while its's happening, not next month when everything has dried out.

Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition:Around some time period
Example:People want to know about nearby events

Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition:When well-known people, buildings, or places are involved, that is news.
Example: When a movie star gets arrested

Criteria 6: Human interest
Definition: What interests the human mind
Example: Stories about ordinary poeple or animals, humorous or dramtic stories, heartwarming or heart-wrenching stories.

2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism. Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.

3. List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
The pigs on highways: Unusualness, Proxmity,

4. List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
Timeliness, Human Interest, Significance

5. List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why.
Human Interest, Proxmity

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of Scotty Pugmire

 Interview of a classmate. 
Scotty Pugmire
1.   What’s a day like in your life?

Wake up at 5, church class at. Also depending on what season it is he has

Sport activities.  

2.   What do you usually do on holidays?

Drive down to Wyoming and spend time with family 

3.   When is your golden birthday and how did you celebrate it or how will you?

June 26. Party hard

4.   What’s your plan on life after high school?

Go to a post secondary school

5.   How old are you?

6.   Tell me a bit about your family?

Oldest of 2 brothers and 2 twin sisters

7.   What would you say you like better Coke or Pepsi, and why?

Pepsi. Pepsi has a better taste.

8.   Tell me a little bit about your background and where you came from?
               Moved around a lot. Born in utauth

9.   How would you explain your family in 1 word and why?

Outgoing. Always looking for fun and making fun

10.                     How would you explain yourself and why?
                 Active. I love sports and I’m always on the go